About Us
Phoenix foundation complements the Medical Oncologists, Physicians and Hospitals, focusing on education research and awareness, early detection, cancer insurance, support to treatment, guidance and counselling and rehabilitation.

The mission of Phoenix foundation is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer.
Creating a world where no Indian fears cancer
These serve as guidelines for our conduct and behavior as we work towards our vision.
We are passionate, considerate, respectful and empathetic toward those individuals and families touched by cancer and our colleagues. We believe that all people should be treated with consideration and dignity. Our encouraging and
supportive environment allows volunteers and staff to thrive, and contributes to our ability to advance our cause.
We value the determination and drive of our volunteers and staff to take bold steps to effect positive change.
We are honest and ethical in all we do, and engage in responsible decision-making that reflects the highest
standards of the conduct. This ensures that our credibility, leadership and use of donor money is never in question.
Donate Now to Support Poor Elders, Child Education, Orphanage, Women Livelihood & Healthcare