9920024373 l 8850214373 l 9594986377 info@phoenixfoundation.in


      “Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It’s about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life”

      We supplement the academic education acquired by children knowledge and skills to prepare them to face life confidently.

      Following are the focus areas on which PHOENIX FOUNDATION seeks to work with:
      Awareness: A unique flagship program of PHOENIX FOUNDATION seeks to create awareness across children of all backgrounds on various social issues such as education, health issues, civic issues to name a few. The objective is to create empathy and responsibility towards social issues at a tender age that will nurture them into conscious citizens of our country.
      Confidence Building Workshops: These workshops are aims to develop inherent confidence in children that will empower them to face life amidst its challenges.
      Education Kits and Infrastructure: Enabling with education and learning kits such as books, bags, uniforms, compasses boxes and various materials that will enable enhance learning.